T Y G F T A T I M = Thank you God For The Abundance That Is Mine!
The Secret of Positive Living
Purpose: To raise your consciousness through positive life-enriching ideas and inspiration for health healing, happiness, love, peace, and prosperity, and the practice of the presence of God. God is Love. Your comments are invited. We welcome your feedback. Kindly send us an E-Note.
The Law of Attraction practically applied.
Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity School of Practical Christianity, wrote: “Be thankful for every blessing that you gain and as deeply grateful for every demonstration as though an unexpected treasure dropped into your lap. This will keep your heart fresh; for true thanksgiving may be likened to rain falling upon ready soil, refreshing it and increasing its productiveness.”
Sometimes a person may wonder why his good is kept from him while he maintains a critical, condemning attitude of mind. This is like pinching a water hose and then wondering why the water doesn’t flow.
Being thankful keeps the flow of God’s abundance moving easily through you into your life. It makes of you, a mighty magnet for all kinds of good things and draws loving, helpful people to you, too.
The Gratitude Attitude makes you lighter and brighter so that you fly instead of drag. It is great healing energy, too.
If life hasn’t handed you as many blessings as you’d like, check up on how thankful you are. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, give thanks for what you do have. This will open the channels for more to come to you. Being genuinely grateful is positive application of the Law of Attraction.
One time a lady came to me and complained that her life was not very good. She seemed to lack what many of her friends had an abundance of. It didn’t take long to know what her problem was. She was much more complaining and cynical than appreciative and grateful. I encouraged this lady to make a switch in her thinking and speaking, and she agreed to give it a try. Soon, to her delight, she realized that being grateful attracted more good to her, and people were friendlier to her. She was thankful for the change within her, and in her life.
Write these letters on a card or print them out in large letters. Place them where they will remind you to always be grateful. If you tempted to indulge in negative, critical thinking or speaking, stop and declare:
T Y G F T A T I M It’s a great way to turn The Golden Key! – Lovingly, Rev. John
This Week’s Golden Key Positive Prayer: Thank You God For The Abundance That Is Mine!
Depending on your desire to prosper, declare the above prayer 50 to 100 times every day for at least a week. Expect something wonderful to happen, and it will!
May we pray with you? We welcome prayer requests for all good desires. Write your prayer request in confidence to us now.
We are grateful for your tithes and love offerings.
Checks/money orders: Golden Key Ministry-Unity, P. O. Box 30989, Phoenix, AZ 85046
In the Mail
God bless all of you who have been praying with me. When I first wrote to you, I had no job and hundreds of dollars in bills. I am happy to report that all the bills have been paid. Also a lady, for whom I had done some things several months ago, sent me an extra $150.00 check in appreciation. I am now working for a good company and have excellent benefits and a great bonus plan. Needless to say, I am very happy and thankful. Prayer sure does bring abundance. My grateful tithe is enclosed. – C. P. in California
The Healing Word
God bless all of you who have been praying with me. When I first wrote to you, I had no job and hundreds of dollars in bills. I am happy to report that all the bills have been paid. Also a lady, for whom I had done some things several months ago, sent me an extra $150.00 check in appreciation. I am now working for a good company and have excellent benefits and a great bonus plan. Needless to say, I am very happy and thankful. Prayer sure does bring abundance. My grateful tithe is enclosed. – C. P. in California
Rev. John’s Health Healing e-Newsletter
Purpose: To assist you in your quest to experience the optimal health that you are divinely designed for, through healthy/life-giving ideas, inspiration and modalities, with emphasis on Spiritual healing.
Watch for it!
The Prospering Word
Prosperity is more than money. It is being healthy and positively alive; it is having loving relationships, and an awareness that you are a blessing in your home, place of employment, and in your community. All that God provides is presently available to you for you are His beloved child. Trust in God to provide for you. Give thanks that divine wisdom constantly flows through you, guiding you into greater prospering experiences.
Bytes of Wisdom. . .
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. – Oprah Winfrey
The person who has stopped being thankful has fallen asleep in life. – Robert L. Stevenson
Of all the “attitudes” we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing. – Zig Ziglar
Wise men count their blessings; fools their problems. – Unknown
A Little Humor. . .
A game warden driving down the road came upon a young boy with a wild turkey under his arm.
Warden: “Son, where did you get that turkey?”
Boy: “What turkey?”
Warden: “The turkey you’re carrying under your arm!
Boy: “Well lookee here, a turkey done roosted under my arm”
Warden: “You know it’s not turkey season so whatever you do to that turkey, I’m going to do to you. So what are you going to do with the turkey?”
Boy: “I guess I’ll just kiss him goodbye and let him go!”
“Positive Living!” is a brief eZINE sent by e-mail to help you have a happy, loving, positive, and prosperous week. Your comments are invited. You are invited to pass it along to your friends. Spread the wealth of love and joy! – Namaste!
Dear Friend: Thank you for visiting my website. If you like it and find it helpful, you may show your gratitude in one or two ways: Write a note of appreciation to me, and/or give tax-deductible donations (tithe/love offering) to Golden Key Ministry-Unity. – Lovingly, Rev. John
Tithes/Love Offerings:
Checks/money orders: Golden Key Ministry-Unity, P. O. Box 30989, Phoenix, AZ 85046