Easter, when properly understood, symbolizes the supreme spiritual experience, which is the regeneration of mankind. – Emmet Fox
It was never intended for humanity to forever be in limitation, fear, and misunderstanding. The Divine Intention is that we should awaken to our true spiritual nature and go forward as the beings of light that we are. This is the true Easter.
The undesirable experiences of life never come to stay. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. In fact there is light is at both ends, so you go from light to light.
When you comprehend the true meaning of Easter, you know that you will successfully emerge from any undesirable experience. Your golden key for doing this is to focus securely upon God within. As you do, all the love, faith, strength and energy of God literally pushes you forward.
There have been dark periods in my life when I felt cornered and there was no way out. Those periods proved to be blessings in that they caused me to turn within to the great resurrecting power of God. That power is Divine Love. It is your regenerating power. Get in touch with it within and it will do its mystical transformational work in you and propel you into lighter, brighter, happier days. In this way you experience true Easter. Let it be a daily experience. – Lovingly, Rev. John
Golden Key Positive Prayer:
Through the resurrecting power of Divine Love, I am transformed.
Depending on your desire to prosper, declare the above prayer 50 to 100 times every day for at least a week. Expect something wonderful to happen, and it will!
Are you ready for miracles? During the month of May we are focusing our prayer support upon the miracle-producing activity of God and invite you to join with us.
May we pray with you? We welcome prayer requests for all good desires. Write your prayer request in confidence to us now.
We are grateful for your tithes and love offerings.
PayPal: Please use the button, top left.
Checks/money orders: Golden Key Ministry-Unity, P. O. Box 30989, Phoenix, AZ 85046
The Healing Word
Your body is a temple beautiful. It is the living temple of God. Every cell in your body is radiant with light, love, and peace. Enjoy the perfect health that is God’s will for you. The joy of living animates you and radiates wholeness from you to others. When any part of your body is out of harmony, uncomfortable, or diseased, you can bless it with a living word of Truth and it will respond. The Prospering Word
By the act of giving, you open the way for your greater good to appear quickly. The things you desire have wanted to come to you, but were blocked by your lack of giving. There was no free channel through which they could manifest. Giving opens the channels. When there appears to be delay or a block between you and your desired good, that block in within you. It is not in some outside circumstance or person. When you give divinely guided, you dissolve the block and open the channels for your good to come to you.
Bytes of Wisdom. . .
Dwelling in the light, there is no occasion at all for stumbling, for all things are discovered in the light. – George Fox
People are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light within. – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there’s a bogeyman around, turn on the light. – Dorothy Thompson
Please note: There are daily Bytes of Wisdom on my Facebook page.
A Little Humor. . .
It takes courage to stand up and speak. It takes even more courage sometimes to sit down and listen.
Why can’t life’s big problems come when we are 20 and we know everything?
Sign in a loan company window: “Now you can borrow enough money to get completely out of debt.”
He who hesitates is not only lost, but also several miles from the next exit.
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