You May Want to Change Your Thinking
The world is full of practitioners of one sort or another. There those who practice law, medicine, music, and sports, but there are those who practice other things like financial lack and limitation. They’ve been practicing so long, they have become very good at it. These good people do make an effort to prosper, but unfortunately, the old lack and limitation habit is so ingrained, it is difficult to break.
Fortunately, there is a way out. It is a radical change in thinking. There was a lady who had put up with poverty, an uncaring husband and terrible living conditions for many years. Then one day she was given a book on Prosperous Living which revealed to her that by changing her thinking she could change her life. The book helped her to realize that what she had become accustomed to was not normal. Right then and there she decided to make some changes.
She began to declare prosperity affirmations, read everything she could find on prosperity including the articles on my websites. She learned to meditate on the Presence of God. Soon, she had the courage to leave her husband, strike out on her own, and soon found a job with good pay, working conditions and benefits. From there she moved on to better employment with better pay. She was radiantly happy and alive!
This all came about when she decided to stop practicing lack and limitation, stop demeaning and accepting herself as something of little value, and believing that things were hopeless. She started practicing the abundance of life, love, peace and prosperity, and believing herself to be worthy, deserving, rich and a valuable child of God. It didn’t take long for her life to completely turn around.
Those who practice something long enough, get really good at it. What are you practicing? Lovingly, Rev. John
This Week’s Golden Key Positive Prayer: Divinely guided, I practice being the wise, loving, deserving, rich child of God I truly am.
Are you ready for miracles? During the month of May we are focusing our prayer support upon the miracle-producing activity of God and invite you to join with us.
Send your confidential Miracle Prayer Request by e-mail and we will especially pray with you. Please write “Miracle Prayer Request” in the subject line. Tell us what you desire us to pray with you for. We will acknowledge your request and send to you, a special miracle prayer for you to use.
May we pray with you? We welcome prayer requests for all good desires. Write your prayer request in confidence to us now.
We are grateful for your tithes and love offerings.
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Bytes of Wisdom. . .
I hold it true that thoughts are things
Endowed with being, breath, and wings,
And we send them forth to fill
The world with good results – or ill.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox