If you desire for your prosperity to grow, it will do so more easily if you use prospering words. Sometimes people use negative, limiting words and then wonder why they do not prosper. A lady, who suffered for years enduring very limiting conditions, finally said she’d had enough of that and, believing that she deserved […]
Healthy Words!
How your words affect your health and wellbeing. Plus some ideas for your health from Myrtle Fillmore’s “Healing Letters”
Love and Prosperity
8 Practical Ways to Spiritually Boost Your Prosperity
Love and Health
What emotions do to your body and how to move towards a healthier more peaceful life.
How to Have a Prosperous Year!
Here are some things that will help you to have the most prosperous year yet. Give what you want to receive. If you want to be a millionaire, give at least a million dollars worth of loving service. Act as though you are already a millionaire, for acting the part attracts that to you. It […]
How to Have a Healthy Year!
The Healing Powers of Forgiveness and Divine Love and Your Subconscious Mind. With Healthy Positive Prayer.
How to Have a Prosperous Christmas!
What I wrote about having a Merry and Healthy Christmas, is true about having a Prosperous Christmas. It all depends on what you allow your thoughts to dwell upon. As with happiness and healing, you are wise to think on prospering ideas. (There’s a ton of good prospering ideas on both of my websites.) Christmas […]
How to Have a Healthy Christmas
5 Ways to Stay Healthy and more relaxed. Plus, a Healthy Positive Prayer.