Pay Attention to the Words You Speak
It is much healthier for you when you pay attention to the words you speak. Too often people will speak words that condone ill-health, such as “feeling poorly,” “I’m tired,” “That just makes me sick,” and “I hope I don’t catch what they’ve got.” Television commercials of pharmaceutical companies are notorious for promoting ill-health and all kinds of so-called human maladies. It is best to avoid watching those, or at least hit the mute button on your remote.
It is healthier for you to speak words such as, “Health and strength and healing power vibrate through me hour after hour!” “I am alive, alert, awake, joyous, and enthusiastic about life.” Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity, used this affirmation: “I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and spring forth with a mighty faith to do the things that ought to be done by me.” He had a deep belief in the reality of life and its power to not only heal, but to cause his body to vibrate at a high frequency.
A several weeks ago, some “little varmints” tried to attack my body. As usual, I made them feel very unwelcome as I affirmed over and over: “Health and strength and healing power vibrate through me hour after hour,” plus other healthy words. I also got a good massage and a Reiki treatment, and went to my Chiropractor who is trained in acupuncture and is very knowledgeable about herbs. Those “little varmints” never did “set up house-keeping” in my body and in only three days, I was feeling fine.
Of course, I am constantly speaking healthy words as I affirm life, health, strength, peace, joy and perfection for my mind and body. I call it, preventive “medicine.” It is the best kind and works far better than drugs or “flu shots.”
As I have mentioned before, the healthiest words you can use are Divine Love. The more you affirm that Divine Love is now moving in and through your mind and body, the happier and healthier you are because Divine Love is positively the highest vibration, and it is always available. Your golden key is in turning into it, feeling it, affirming it, and letting it have its healthy way in your mind and body. – Lovingly, Rev. John
My words declare the uprightness of my heart, and what my lips know they speak sincerely. – Job 33:3
Healthy Ideas
First of all, in seeking a way to health we need to see clearly that God is omnipresent, as omnipresent as the very life in which we live and move and have our being; as the very substance out of which our bodies are formed and nourished; as the very intelligence that is within us, in every nerve and brain cell and structure of the body. We need to know that God is the very love that draws together and holds in perfect harmony (if we will only allow it) all the elements of our being; as the very light that radiates through us to bless and help others, the light that enables us to understand ourselves and others and all God’s creation, so that we may always think the Truth, the true state of all the creation. – Myrtle Fillmore’s Healing Letters.
Healthy Positive Prayer
I am the life, love and power of God. I am happilyand positively alive now!
Healthy Bytes
If a person would have his prayers answered, he must be willing to be a channel through which the prayers of others are answered. If he would be healed, he must be willing to be a healer of discords. – Frances W. Foulks
LIFE only happens in the present. Presence is the only thing that is real. Everything else is just a concept in the mind. – Bonnie Moehle – Thoughts From Within
Generate waves of harmony, health, and peace by thinking of the love and the glory of God. What you decree and feel as true will come to pass. Decree harmony, health, peace, and abundance. – Joseph Murphy