Your Zest for Living, Doing, and Being All You Can Be
When you are positively alive you are filled with a zest for living and for doing and being all you can do and be. You live in the realization that the best is yet to be and you are doing all you can to make it a reality in your life.
The way to be positively alive is to maintain a positive attitude toward yourself, life and the world. Regardless of what seems to be happening around you, you know that everything is in divine order because God is present, in charge, and all is well. You do not engage in negative thinking or conversation. You do not allow others who are inclined to be negative to waste your time or to really have your attention.
If you have an apparent healing need, you quietly, but firmly know that God, the Great Positive, is in every cell of your body, healing and restoring your body to its original perfection. God is Love and Love works miracles. Love is the positive healing force in your mind and body.
To be positively alive, it is necessary to create a consciousness of positivity within yourself. In this you have an inner realization or awareness that all is good regardless of appearances. Positivity is giving your whole thought to only the good, which is giving it to God.
When you are positively alive, you approve of yourself because you know God approves of you. You do not waste time putting yourself down. Neither do you give thought or expression to beliefs in lack or limitation. This is especially essential in maintaining or restoring bodily health. Give your whole thought to the perfect life activity within you, which is always present.
In being positively alive you accept as your divine right, the perfection of God expressing and manifesting as perfect health in your body. Only God is real and He is the perfect life of your body now. Another important part of being positively alive is being at peace within. Healing comes through peace as you let go of tension, stress and strain. Being peaceful is practicing the Presence of God. When you practice the Presence of God, you give full expression to the Great Positive, the loving, healing life-force within you. – Lovingly, Rev. John (Adapted from: Positively Alive! by Rev. John)
Expect Healing!
When you pray for healing, expect to be healed. After praying, act in accord with your prayer, as though healing is inevitable. Do not engage in thought or talk that impairs the healing process. Myrtle Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity, wrote: “Almost immediately after praying we go on doing the things we have been doing, which does not allow answers. And we think and say that which is not in accord with the prayers we have made.
“Prayer, then, is to change our minds and hearts so that God’s omnipresent good may fill our minds and hearts and manifest in our lives. If we do not keep on thinking in accord with the prayers we have made, we do not get good results. All thought is formative; all thought has its effect in our lives and upon our bodies.
“When some of our thought energy is expended in negative beliefs and feelings, and we show that we have old mental habits in the subconscious mind, we get those old negative results.
“We are to cease worrying, and being anxious, and thinking and speaking of the past and of the apparent lack of wholeness. We are to concentrate upon the Truth of God only. Then we are in tune with God and healing springs forth speedily.” – (Adapted from, Myrtle Fillmore’s Healing Letters.
Healthy Positive Prayer
Practicing the Presence of God, I am Positively Alive!
Healthy Bytes
Your subconscious is the builder of your body and is on the job 24 hours a day. You interfere with its life-giving patterns by negative thinking. – Dr. Joseph Murphy
Your Real Self is never sick, never afraid, never selfish. It is the part of you that “seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil.” – Emily Cady
Health is a state of being sound and whole in mind and body. That which seems to be sickness does not exist in Truth. – Charles Fillmore