Are you ready for a major shift in consciousness? Is this for you?
This is more than just another special e-mail article. It is instruction on the Practice of the Presence of God by Dr. W. Frederick Keeler. Dr. Keeler was one of the more enlightened metaphysicians. Before his passing in 1948, he helped thousands of people to experience healing, peace of mind, happiness, and fulfillment by teaching them to practice the Presence of God.
This instruction is from: Christian Victory Instruction. It is the greatest, most profound instruction on practicing the Presence of God, I have found. It is simply written, easy to understand, and to do.
My purpose in offering this special instruction to you is to help you to more greatly realize the importance of, and to actually practice the Presence, and to give you the steps in do so, which, if you take them, will lift you onto a truly peaceful, happy, healthy, prosperous plane of living. And, you will experience Peace, Life, Love, Harmony, Security, Abundance, and true Happiness because you are more perfectly practicing the Presence. I believe, when you receive this special instruction, and do as instructed, you will soon realize the power and beauty of it, and will agree that it is truly invaluable.
One recipient wrote:
Dear Rev. John: Thank you so much for your special email article, The Presence. I am in awe. This is so beautiful. I do not think I’ve already gotten all of it, but just after this one reading I feel so serene, I feel love and I am deeply touched. Rev. John, you are an angel! I am so happy and grateful to have been allowed to receive spiritual assistance from you. I know I will soon be able to return more good. Sincerely and with best regards B.G. in Germany *
Are you ready for a major shift in consciousness? Is this for you?
This is not for everyone. It is not for you if you are already experiencing true peace of mind, are as happy and healthy as you possibly can be, and are demonstrating abundant prosperity. This is not for those who are completely free from fear, worry, anger, resentment, lack and limitation. It is not for anyone who would rather stay stuck in undesirable circumstances, or who is simply not open to, or ready for, a major shift in consciousness and a positive change in their lives.
It is for you if you sincerely desire to experience peace, love, harmony, happiness, health and abundance.
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