Thank you again for joining this great Love Event. Together wonderful things will happen. This is the last of this series of lessons which are primarily from my Divine Love Plan book. If you already have this book, keep it handy. If not, buy in e or print format here online.
How to Receive the Highest Benefit from these Lessons
As with the previous Lessons, to receive the highest benefit arrange for a special time, preferable early in your day to sit quietly where you will not be disturbed. Do this even before coffee or getting busy with daily activities.
First, quiet your mind and allow yourself to be open to the Presence of Divine Love in you. – Rev. John
Make Love Your Aim
Lesson #3
(Rev. John’s Divine Love Plan – page 38-39)
God is love and the feeling of love is unity with God. Unity with God leads to unity with all of His creatures. – J. Sig Paulson
The Feeling of Love!
The feeling of love links all of God’s creation together in symphonic harmony – the symphony of Life. The feeling of love is light for your pathway. It brightens your interior and illumines your pathway making it easy to move through every day.
The feeling of love – Divine Love – mystically and magically draws to you the best people in the world. Then you make the delightful discovery that they are just like you! Love unites us all together in harmony.
This Lesson’s Love Positive Prayer:
My feeling of love unifies me with God attracting to me the best of people.
The Universe (God) is within you, immediately responding to your prayer, but even more so to your feelings. If you have a partner in this, accept and feel the same is true for him or her. Then feel this love radiating out to everyone, everywhere, and coming back to you, multiplied and magnified.
After a few moments, open your eyes and with joy, peace and thankfulness, go about the activities of the day. As you allow Divine Love to move in and through you, and go before you, something wonderful is happening! Relax and enjoy!
If at any time you begin to feel anxious, fearful, or if anything negative or unloving tries to enter your mind, take a few moments and repeat this process until you feel peaceful. Remember, Love is your aim or predominate focus and everything else is secondary. Practice makes it easier and more wonderful. Do not make a chore of this. Allow it to be an easy, happy experience.
It is best to read each lesson and to prayerfully meditate on it and the affirmation. Do this at least two or three times daily. Repeat this exercise on each of the next 6 days.

What Would Love Do Right Now?
– by Victoria Benoit –
Asking what would love do right now? does not mean you will become a door mat and refrain from speaking up for yourself. In fact, just the opposite will occur. As you live from your heart and love yourself deeply, you will know when to stand up for yourself and perhaps say, “No, I won’t be doing that for you anymore,” “That doesn’t work for me,” or “That’s unethical for me. I won’t be joining you.” When you come from your natural essence, then speaking your truth will become second nature. – What would love do right now? – Purchase Victoria Benoit’s book, What Would Love Do Right Now? at Amazon.com.

To Feel Love
– J. Sig Paulson –
Give your attention to the feeling of love, and something pretty wonderful will begin to take place in you. To feel love is to feel God, and to feel God is to “practice the presence” of God, to share in the activity of God. The resulting ecstasy might be described as “delicious.”
What really happens is that the vibration level of the fields of living energy in which you live and move and have your being is lifted by the inflow of light and love, and even the cells of your body and the relationships of your outer world respond. – (From: Your Power To Be)
Next: Lesson #4 – Love Frees You From Fear!
Make Love Your Aim
Created by Rev. John W. Adams & Golden Key Ministry-Unity
M L Y A Lessons are made possible by Tithes & Love Offerings. Give as you are guided. Thank you! We are grateful for everyone’s support.