Thank you again for joining this great Love Event. Together wonderful things will happen. This is the last of this series of lessons which are primarily from my Divine Love Plan book. If you already have this book, keep it handy. If not, buy in e or print format here online.
How to Receive the Highest Benefit from these Lessons
As with the previous Lessons, to receive the highest benefit arrange for a special time, preferable early in your day to sit quietly where you will not be disturbed. Do this even before coffee or getting busy with daily activities.
First, quiet your mind and allow yourself to be open to the Presence of Divine Love in you. – Rev. John
Make Love Your Aim
Lesson #2
(Rev. John’s Divine Love Plan – page 36-37)
Total commitment to life.
And why shouldn’t it be?
Life is the activity that gives
Love its expression.
– J. Sig Paulson
Be What You Are!
This week let’s focus on the Truth that God is Love and you are made in the image and likeness of God. This means that you are a spiritual being composed of all that God is, primarily Love. Love is the whole essence of God. You will find it highly beneficial to accept Love as your Real Self, and consciously BE what you are.
In Truth there is only one substance and that substance is Love. Accept that Love is the reality of your being. It’s what makes you the magnificent child of God that you are!
This Week’s Love Positive Prayer:
God is the reality of my being; therefore, I am Love. I am now being the Love that I am!
The Universe (God) is within you, immediately responding to your prayer, but even more so to your feelings. If you have a partner in this, accept and feel the same is true for him or her. Then feel this love radiating out to everyone, everywhere, and coming back to you, multiplied and magnified.
After a few moments, open your eyes and with joy, peace and thankfulness, go about the activities of the day. As you allow Divine Love to move in and through you, and go before you, something wonderful is happening! Relax and enjoy!
If at any time you begin to feel anxious, fearful, or if anything negative or unloving tries to enter your mind, take a few moments and repeat this process until you feel peaceful. Remember, Love is your aim or predominate focus and everything else is secondary. It gets easier and more exciting with practice.
It is best to read the lesson daily during this week and to prayerfully meditate on it and the affirmation. Do this at least two or three times. Repeat this exercise on each of the next 6 days.

Your Greatest Power!
Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity School of Practical Christianity, wrote: “Love, in Divine Mind, is the idea of universal unity. In expression, love is the power that joins and binds in divine harmony, the universe and everything in it.”
It is easy to see, then, that love is the key to humankind living peacefully on Mother Earth. It is natural for us to love and unnatural for us not to love. Love is the inclination of the Universe, which is within us. When we make ourselves open and free channels for the expression of Divine Love, we become magnets for all the goodness of God. We naturally attract to us all that is needed for happiness and fulfillment.
If there is a desire for healing, love heals. If there is a desire for greater financial supply, love is the very substance of that desired increase. Love that is allowed to fill your consciousness will correct any mistake and harmonize any troublesome relationship. In short, whatever you need or desire that is good, is supplied through the power of Divine Love moving in and through you.
The intent of this book, The Divine Love Plan, as it has been and is the legacy of my ministry, is to help you understand and accept love as the greatest and most powerful force available to you. Love ill heal you in mind and body. Love will prosper you in every wonderful way. Love is the original and most-potent miracle-working power, and it is within you! Your golden key is to know and feel this marvelous energy as the reality of your whole being. This is true for you and every person and *animal.
(*You may read the inspiring letter I received from a lady in California who loved a scroungy, sickly dog into vibrant health in my book: Rev. John’s Divine Love Plan, available in digital and print.

Love Is Within You!
You have all the love you need for healing, prosperity, and happy human relationships right within yourself. Divine Love is one of your mental and spiritual faculties, your very nature.
You do not have to search outside yourself for love. You begin releasing it from within outward, through your thoughts, words, feelings, prayers and actions. As you do you experience the success power of Divine Love in its fullness as it moves through people, situations, and conditions. – Catherine Ponder – The Prospering Power of Love.
Next: Lesson #3 – The Feeling of Love!
Make Love Your Aim
Created by Rev. John W. Adams & Golden Key Ministry-Unity
M L Y A Lessons are made possible by Tithes & Love Offerings. Give as you are guided. Thank you! We are grateful for everyone’s support.