Quietly speak an affirmation two or three times and be still for a minute or two. Allow yourself to feel the joy of this Truth. Do this daily for seven days and you will experience something wonderful. Choose another Minute Meditation for the following week.
In the silence of prayer, I center myself in God’s presence. I still my thoughts and listen as God speaks to me.
Thank You, God, for my amazing life and everything in it.
I awaken to the realization that, through the presence of God within me, I am richly and beautifully blessed.
As a child of God, I am filled with divine light and love, and I express love and peace to everyone I meet.
I open my mind to God’s good. The truth is: infinite possibilities are open to me.
If I have a healing need, I pray in faith knowing that right now I am whole and well.
I give thanks that in the presence of God I am safe, happy, peaceful and free.
I see myself as I truly am – a spiritual being filled with unlimited potential.
I release fear and allow God’s blessings to flow into and through me.
I am free to be the expression of God I am created to be.
I am safe in the protecting presence of divine love.
My wisdom comes from the infinite source of all wisdom. I know what I need to know when I need to know it.
Today I will live from my heart, sowing seeds of kindness, beauty, and goodwill.
Divine love is a perpetual wellspring of comfort, nourishment, and joy within me.
I feel the presence of God within me as wisdom and peace and I know that I am divinely guided in all my ways.
I relax in quiet contemplation and give thanks for the opportunities this day opens to me.
The light of the Christ Spirit shines within me radiating warmth, compassion, and joy to the world.
I breathe in the stillness and beauty of this present moment and I am at peace in my oneness with God.
My true nature is peace, love and joy. I am a divine being inspired by Spirit.